Normal Block Laying Mortar
It is made of Portland cement, graded sand and additives. It is dry pre-mix mortar that when blended together creates a mortar with improved workability, better quality bonding. NEOFIL BL reduces shrinkage and movement in masonry walls due to a controlled elasticity modulus.
NEOFIL BL is supplied in 50 kg bags
Keep NEOFIL BL in sheltered, off the ground, dry environment and well closed – original bags.
Shelf life:
12 months from production date if stored as recommended.
Surface preparation
The blockwork where NEOFIL BL will be applied must be perfectly clean, solid, compact and free from grease substances or solid particles. It must not be over-heated nor frozen.
During hot weather, the surface to receive NEOFIL BL should be brushed with water prior to the application. Take extra note to neutralize the suction in the background of the blockwork by applying clean potable water. Allow excess water to be fully drained before to applying NEOFIL BL.
To prepare the mixture, pour in a container 8 - 9.5 liters of clean water. Add a bag of 50 Kg of NEOFIL BL, then mix to get a homogeneous lump free consistency mixture using an electric agitator / slow speed mechanical mixer.
Once mixed, let the product rests for about 5 minutes and remix shortly before use.
Apply NEOFIL BL a trowel and then position the blocks verifying their alignment. Remove possible excess of mortar with a wet sponge before it hardens.
Tools and equipment should be cleaned with water immediately after use. Hardened materials should be mechanically removed.
Keep NEOFIL BL in sheltered, off the ground, dry environment and well closed – original bags.
Shelf life:
12 months from production date if stored as recommended.
The information in this Technical Data Sheet is based on Colmef Monneli’s experience. Colmef Monneli does not accept any liability arising from the use of its products as it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied. All Colmef Monneli’s Data Sheets are updates on regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.
Spatter Dash Bond Coating
High Quality Spatter Dash Bond Coating
Superior Quality Spatter Dash Bond Coating
Superior Quality Spatter Dash Bond Coating