Mortar Specialties

Cement Based Mortar

Monneli Plastotherm

Adhesive & Plaster for EIFS Insulation System

EPS Board (Expanded Concrete Backer Board)
Fiber mesh reinforced concrete backer board
Metal wire lathe
Clean and unpainted concrete
Exterior grade gypsum sheathing
Embedding fiberglass reinforced mesh fabric
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Technical Information
Product Description

PLASTOTHERM is a high performance, polymer modified Portland cement base which is designed as a synthetic stucco finish and adhesive for expanded polystyrene insulation boards. It is also ideal for embedding fiber glass mesh fabric wherever required.

  • Excellent adhesion to concrete substrates
  • Economical
  • Impact resistant
  • Single component, requires on site addition of water
  • Crack resistant
  • Reduces need for control joints
  • Water resistance
  • Levels surface imperfections
Compiliance Standard
  • ASTM C 518
  • DIN 52617
  • UNI EN 1015-11
Packaging, Coverage / Consumption


PLASTOTHERM is supplied in 25kg bags.



Each 25kg bag will cover approximately 5 square meters of surface at 3 mm thickness.

Shelf Life & Storage


Store in dry covered place in the original closed bags. In these conditions, the product shelf life is 12 months from production date.

White or grey
Technical Properties
Appearance  Grey or white powder
Density at 25°C  1.8 kg/L 
VOC  0.6g/L 
pH in water dispersion at 25°C  >12 
Complete curing 28 days
Water resistance Very good
Water absorption 0.16 (Kg/m2.h1/2)
Resistance to moisture Excellent
Resistance to ageing Excellent
Compressive strength after 28 days Up to 15 N / mm²
Tensile adhesion strength  
28 days standard conditions 0.15 N/mm2
28 days standard conditions +2 days water immersion + 2 h drying  0.1 N/mm2 
28 days standard conditions +2 days water immersion + 2 days drying 0.12 N/mm2
Toxicity Non-toxic
Vertical sliding None
Reaction to fire Non-flammable
All values are subject to 5-10 % tolerance  
Application Information
Instructions for use

Surface preparation

Remove all loose concrete, grease, oil, paint, dust, form release agents or any other material that might affect proper bond.


Pour into container about 5.5 Liters of clean water then slowly add 25kg of PLASTOTHERM and mix till obtaining a homogeneous mix using a slow speed electric drill. Mix till a smooth, trowelable consistency is obtained. Allow the mix to stand for 5 minutes then remix again. Do not use any additives. Do not mix more material than can be applied within product open time. Partial mixing is not recommended.


To fix the insulation board to the wall, apply spots of material to the back of the board at least 5 mm thick and 50 mm in diameter, making sure that the material covers minimum 50% of the board. An alternative method is to cover the entire back of the insulation board with the product using a 10 mm notched trowel. Place insulation board on wall and push firmly. Using a block of wood, apply equal and even pressure to allow maximum bond to be achieved. After fixing the insulation board to the wall, wait for 24 hours before coating the face of the insulation board.

Cut the mesh fabric into pieces that are manageable. For lightweight to medium weight fabrics, allow for a 50 mm overlap. Heavy mesh fabrics do not need to be overlapped, however, care must be taken to fix the edges firmly together. Using a flat stainless steel trowel, apply Base Coat of PLASTOTHERM to the entire face of the insulation board to a uniform thickness of 2 – 3 mm. Immediately place the reinforcing mesh against the wet PLASTOTHERM mixture. Trowel from the center to the edges with the curve of the mesh against the wall, avoiding wrinkles. Apply until the mesh is fully covered and not visible. The overall minimum Base Coat thickness must be sufficient to fully embed the reinforcing mesh. Allow Plastotherm coat with embedded reinforcing mesh to dry hard (normally 24 hrs.) prior to application of decorative top coat.


PLASTOTHERM is self-curing. Do not mist with water or damp cure. Under average drying conditions +25ºC and 55% R.H. PLASTOTHERM will dry in 24 hours.


Tools and equipment should be cleaned with water immediately after use. Hardened materials should be mechanically removed.

Additional Information
Health & Safety

PLASTOTHERM is a cement-based product.


During application, wear appropriate protective clothing, goggles, gloves and respiratory equipment if necessary.


In case of contact with skin, rinse with water and again wash thoroughly with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice accordingly.


If ingested, obtain medical attention immediately. Do not induce vomiting.

Important note

The information in this Technical Data Sheet is based on Colmef Monneli’s experience. Colmef Monneli does not accept any liability arising from the use of its products as it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied. All Colmef Monneli’s Data Sheets are updates on regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

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