Surface Treatment

Mould and Shutter Release Agents

Monneli Disarmante W

Water Based Mould and Shuttering Release Agent

DISARMANTE W is formulated to provide a quick, clean easy stripping of moulds and formwork prior to casting concrete to ensure high quality fair-faced and stain-free concrete. It can be applied to:
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Technical Information
Product Description

DISARMANTE W is a single component, water based release agent. The white emulsion product is composed of emulsified mineral oils and non-hazardous chemicals specially formulated to produce a clean release.

After the removal of formwork, the resultant concrete has a smooth, hard, uniform finish with reduced incidents of blowholes.

  • Water based, eco-friendly product
  • Odorless and nonflammable
  • Produces neat concrete surfaces by letting air and water bubbles rise freely during vibration
  • Ensures easy release, reducing damages and improving efficiency of production
  • Minimize surface stains and blemishes even with white cement
  • Suitable for use with virtually all types of formwork
Packaging, Coverage / Consumption


DISARMANTE W is supplied in 210 liter drums.




    Type of Surface m²/liter
  Smooth, poreless form surfaces 42.50
  Semi porous form surfaces 17
  Porous form surface 12
  Very porous form surfaces 10.50
Shelf Life & Storage


DISARMANTE W has a minimum shelf life of 12 months when stored in unopened covered and dry place. Avoid exposing the drums to sunlight. Extreme temperatures cause product to deteriorate.

Technical Properties
Appearance Milky white liquid
Density at 25°C  0.97 kg/L 
VOC 1 g/L 
Drying time at 25°C   2 - 3 hours 
pH of emulsion at 25°C 7.5 
Temperature of application  +5°C  to +35°C
Harmful to ECC88/379 No
Inflammability No
Chloride content No
All values are subject to 5-10 % tolerance
Application Information
Instructions for use

Mould and Shutter Preparation

All mould and shutter surfaces must be cleaned from deposits of rust, concrete, oil and other materials.


DISARMANTE W can be applied by brush, roller or mould oil sprayer. If mould oil sprayer is use, the nozzle is atomized to give a light and uniform coating. Excessive application should be avoided.

However, if DISARMANTE W is overly applied, excess materials should be allowed to drain and be carefully removed from the bottom of the mould by a cloth or sponge. Pools of DISARMANTE W should not be allowed to dry. Otherwise, surface retardation of the concrete will occur.

For proper results, it is advisable to apply DISARMANTE W two hours at least before using the mould or shutter.

After Stripping and Demoulding

The formwork and mould should be brushed or wiped clean of any excess dust prior to re-application for the next use of the mould.

Repair of Moulds

After extensive use, surface of moulds will require repair. It should be cleared of all residue and traces of DISARMANTE W to ensure proper adhesion of the repair material. Cleaning shall be done by detergent followed by rinsing with water.


Equipment and tools used should be cleaned promptly with water.


  • Application should be done in thin layers.
Additional Information
Health & Safety

DISARMANTE W is a non-toxic material. However, inhalation of spray should be avoided and it is advisable to wear goggles when spraying. In case of eye contact, flush with water for few minutes. If irritation continues, consult a doctor. If product is ingested, do not induce vomiting, seek medical attention immediately.

Important note

The information in this Technical Data Sheet is based on Colmef Monneli’s experience. Colmef Monneli does not accept any liability arising from the use of its products as it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied. All Colmef Monneli’s Data Sheets are updates on regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

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