Tile Grouts

Cement Based Tile Grouts

Monneli Giuntolastic

Synthetic Latex Additive for Cementitious Grout

GIUNTOLASTIC is used for mixing, fully or as partial substitute of water with NEOFIL COLOR and FUGACOLOR grout for tile grouting in the following applications.
Swimming pool, fountains, steam rooms, refrigerating room
External applications
Floors exposed to heavy pedestrian traffic
Floors and walls exposed to vibration, high temperature variation, deflection
For grouting joints between high absorbent tiles
For areas where high abrasion, water and chemical resistance is required
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Technical Information
Product Description

GIUNTOLASTIC is an extremely elastic water based polymer. It is designed to be mixed with cementitious grout (NEOFIL COLOR or FUGACOLOR) in total or in partial replacement to water. The mixture of GIUNTOLASTIC with tile grout powder improves the compactness, abrasion resistance, impermeability and adhesion of grout when applied in joints between tiles.

In addition, the elastic property of the product allows the grout to absorb certain deformation and vibration on the substrates.

  • Improve adhesion to substrates
  • Improve deformability and impermeability of the grout after complete curing
Compiliance Standard
  • European EN 13888-CG2
  • ANSI A 118.6 - A 118.7
Packaging, Coverage / Consumption


GIUNTOLASTIC is available in 20 Liter plastic pails.



Please refer to NEOFIL COLOR and FUGACOLOR data sheets.

Shelf Life & Storage


Store in dry and covered place out of direct sunlight and protect from high temperature (higher than +35ºC).


Shelf life:

12 months if stored as recommended.

Technical Properties
Appearance White liquid
Density at 25⁰C  1.02 kg/L
VOC  1.0g/L 
Pot life time at 25⁰C  60 minutes
Mixture’s ratio with NEOFIL COLOR 0-4 30 : 100
Mixture’s ratio with NEOFIL COLOR 4-20 25 : 100
Mixture’s ratio with FUGACOLOR 30 : 100
Harmfulness ECC 88/379 No
Temperature of application +5⁰C to 35⁰C
pH 7-8
All values are subject to 5-10 % tolerance
Application Information
Instructions for use

Surface preparation

The joints between tiles should be clean free of dust. Clean the joints between tiles and brush before grouting.


Shake GIUNTOLASTIC pail before use. Pour a part of the latex as needed into a clean container and then add NEOFIL COLOR 0-4, NEOFIL COLOR 4-20 or FUGACOLOR. Mix to get a homogeneous paste free from lumps.


Leave the mixture for about 10 minutes, then remix shortly and apply with a rubber grout float into the previously cleaned and wet joints.

Let the product set for about 20 minutes, and then proceed with cleaning the tiles with soft sponge. After the complete hardening of the grout, remove, with a dry sponge, all the remaining traces of grout on the surface. 


Tools and equipment should be cleaned with water immediately after use.

NEOFIL COLOR mixed with GIUNTOLASTIC would perform as follows:

   Properties Result
(0–4 mm)
(4–20 mm)
  Density of the mix (kg./Lt.) 1.80 1.90
  Flexural strength (N/mm²) 7 7
  Compressive strength (N/mm²) 30 30
  Water absorption (after 30 minutes) < 5 g < 5 g
  Shrinkage (mm/m) < 3 < 3
  Temperature resistance -30 to +80⁰C -30 to +80⁰C


Additional Information
Health & Safety

Handle the product with caution.


During application, wear appropriate protective clothing, goggles, gloves and respiratory equipment if necessary.


In case of contact with skin, rinse with water and again wash thoroughly with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice accordingly.


If ingested, obtain medical attention immediately. Do not induce vomiting.

Important note

The information in this Technical Data Sheet is based on Colmef Monneli’s experience. Colmef Monneli does not accept any liability arising from the use of its products as it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied. All Colmef Monneli’s Data Sheets are updates on regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

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